A lifetime value (LTV) of a typical chiropractic patient is approx $1000 to $3000 (depending on the type, location and area of practice you run).
(Some practices can range from $500 to $10K+....)
What if we help you improve the LTV?
What if we hep you increase the amount of patients in your practice?
How much is that worth to you?
The investment of “Conversion Mastery Program” will be less than 1 patient...
Are you willing to invest this for your career? For your impact? And for your legacy?
90 days can fundamentally change your trajectory of your career as a chiropractor.
You get to do this with NO risk with my full money back guaranteed if you are not satisfied after 90 days and you get to keep the program.
It’s time to decide. I have removed all the risk for you.
Are you willing to invest in yourself?
It’s time to believe in yourself.